1. Innovation, Technology and the Global Economy (5610). The Ohio State University.

Sciences and technologies are transforming the global economic and security landscapes. Genetic technology, drones, quantum computing, graphene, synbio, and others are being developed by multinational corporations in ways that challenge national sovereignty. The objective of this course is to learn how innovations are changing industry and national security. The course will focus on international organizations and bureaucracies and their role in governing science and technology. International organizations such as the United Nations, NATO, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank are grappling with rapid change, but are playing catch-up. From the textbook: “The global governance arena presents a unique opportunity to contemplate how the nature and practice of administration is transformed in a context where the role of the state is changed and where the lack of a formal government means global public professionals are not directly accountable to elected officials and citizens….” Many U.S. government agencies are constrained by intergovernmental policy and action; in some cases, international policies act as obstacles to innovation, trade or development. Technologies are developed in foreign countries, and the question of “who is ahead?” and “who is behind?” becomes a political rallying call. This course will study and critique existing theories of governance and public administration through the lens of science and engineering at the global level and discuss future direction for technological change. 

2. Leadership in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors (2130) The Ohio State University.

This introductory course teaches leadership and management studies for undergraduate students. Leadership and management are vast and complex topics. While these concepts are difficult to define, we all intuitively have an idea of how to define leadership and management. The purpose of this course is to help students make these notions explicit. This class takes a parallel track to 1) study what scholars say about leadership and management, and 2) develop the student’s leadership potential. To do this, we will explore leadership and management through theory, concepts, and applications. We will use multiple learning methods including lectures, case studies, group exercises, interviews, speakers, and in and out-of-class assignments to provide students with a robust understanding of leadership in the public and nonprofit sectors. We will also provide students with a pathway for how to become an effective public or nonprofit leader.

3. First Year Seminar, From Apollo to SpaceX: The United States Space Program. Ohio State University.

This course introduces students to the history of the U.S. space program. In the 1960s, the United State of America undertook a great adventure of putting humans into outer space. The epic saga is infused with triumph and tragedy. Many political, social, and technological factors are interwoven in the remarkable achievements tied to America’s space program. This class will explore America’s commitment to space travel, beginning with the Apollo Moon Landing Program by examining the political reasons for its creation, the role of the public in providing support, and the technology that succeeded in supporting this monumental achievement. Following the mission to the Moon, America’s space program has taken unexpected turns, and now we see the rise of the private sector in plans for outer space. We will study the rise of SpaceX and other plans to put both cargo and humans into space over the long term.

4. Public Affairs Capstone (4011). The Ohio State University.

The course serves as the capstone experience for John Glenn College’s undergraduates. The course requires students to reflect on and integrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout their classes. This reflection and integration occur in part through the completion of a policy analysis project on a topic chosen by the student about a current public policy issue; the results are delivered via verbal, written, and visual formats. Reflection and integration also occur through short paper assignments and class discussions that help students understand their roles and responsibilities as citizens and professionals operating in the public and/or non-profit sectors.

5. Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (5600). The Ohio State University.

Science and engineering underpin innovation, national security, and many other areas of public concern, including those related to Ohio State University’s Discovery Themes: (1) Energy and Environment, (2) Food Production and Security, and (3) Health and Wellness. But the contexts regarding (a) investments in science, engineering, and public policy and (b) the causes and consequences of the development of scientific knowledge and engineering innovations tend to be underappreciated by those involved. For example, on one hand, funding decisions are made by policymakers—many of whom lack technical training and an appreciation of the role of government in these arenas—and, on the other hand, scientists and engineers often develop knowledge and innovations as a result of, and have relevance to, public policy. Scientists and engineers can be empowered by understanding the process of investment, support for research, and the broader influence of their work. Similarly, policymakers can benefit from understanding how science and engineering unfolds and how to use scientific and technical information for decision-making on matters of national and international importance. This course is designed to serve both perspectives—those making policy for science and engineering and those using science and engineering to inform policy—with a survey of policy, processes, and contexts for science, engineering, and innovation in the United States.


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