
Chinese researchers returning home in greater numbers

About 80% of Chinese scientists who have gone abroad to study or work in the previous decade have returned home and are now publishing high-impact, collaborative research. That is according to an analysis by scientists in China, Europe and the US who found that the lure of attractive initiatives such as the Thousand Talent programmes is helping to foster China’s rise as a global scientific powerhouse.

The US and China may be ending an agreement on science and technology cooperation − a policy expert explains what this means for research

A decades-old science and technology cooperative agreement between the United States and China expires on Aug. 27, 2023. On the surface, an expiring diplomatic agreement may not seem significant. But unless it’s renewed, the quiet end to a cooperative era may have consequences for scientific research and technological innovation.

CRISPR babies and other ethical missteps in science threaten China’s global standing

“What happened this time was an ethics disaster for the world,” according to Wang Yuedan, a professor of immunology at Peking University, as quoted in The New York Times. He was talking about the recent claim by U.S.-trained Chinese scientist He Jiankui that he’d successfully altered the DNA in vitro of human embryos that were later born as twin girls in China. If true as claimed, the edits he made would be inherited by any of their future offspring.

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